not for illegal purposes

education for information




Drugs are chemicals that alter, block, or mimic chemical reactions in the brain. This causes an alteration of the body's normal processes, causing physical or mental changes.

Drugs that are used for personal pleasure are called Recreational Drugs.

Contrary to popular belief, drugs are not for stupid people. Stupid people are the reason that recreational substances cause such a problem in society.

If used responsibly, drugs can bring about new insights, and positive life changes, or can be used to just sit back and relax after a hard day's work. They can leave you with a better, and renewed appreciation of life.

if you're intelligent, drugs won't make you stupid. If used responsibly, drugs can be a catalyst to a better, more motivated, and eventful life. As long as your drug use doesn't cross into other areas of your life (Work, school, social) you'll be alright.

if you're an idiot and use drugs because it's fun and cool, and you use them chronically, then they will probably catalyze your downfall.

it's not what kind of drugs people use, it's the people who use them.

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