Magic MushroomMagic Mushrooms are hallucinogenic fungi that has psychedelic substances that can make the user high.
Taking it can be the best experience of your life or the worst experience of your life depending on the mood at the time, setting, and who you are with.
A good trip can be a learning experience and lead to extremely thoughtful introspection.
A bad trip is as bad as watching your whole family die in an accident or you can end up being as paranoid as if you were being chased by monsters or zombies in a movie.
Do not trip right after a bad experience or if you have a lot of unpleasant thoughts going through your head at the time. Its effects are unpredictable.
Mild dose effects are colors seem a lot more vibrant (blue seeming bluer, black seeming blacker), patterns seem more interesting and intricate, a satisfaction feeling of an oncoming mental revelation, giddiness or anxiety.
Higher dose effects includes extreme laughter, uncontrollable racing thoughts, colors changing and a feeling that each and every color gives a certain tone to your inner most being, distortions of all senses, hyper awareness of taste, smell, music, pictures coming to life and everything becoming three dimensional, or may cause extreme paranoia and/or uncontrollable crying.
Amanita Muscaria.jpg)

Psilocybe Cubensis

These are the two distinct types of magic mushrooms
the Amanita Muscaria species and the Psilocybe family.
These mushrooms contain one or more of the hallucinogenic chemicals muscimol, psilocin, or psilocybin, the latter breaks down into psilocin when exposed to heat and air.
When ingested they produce a 'trip' which is a hallucinogenic experience, Amanitas are legal while Psilocybe mushrooms are not. Amanitas are one of the earliest known hallucinogens. Both have the same effects and depending on how many mushrooms are ingested.
On the street Amanitas are very scarce and Psilocybe mushrooms are what most users seek.
Amanitas can easily be recognized by their bright red color with white spots, but Psilocybe mushrooms should not be picked on the wild because there are a lot of poisonous mushrooms around.